Feed Reader Centralv1

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About the Application

This application is designed to be a lightweight, near-zero dependency application that individuals can run themselves. The idea that let to its creation was a desire to have a set of RSS feeds which could be read from multiple devices on the same home network; for example, if an item was read from a laptop, it would not show up as new if the feed were read from a phone. The author had planned to write something similar when Google Reader shut down, and the combination of those two ideas led to the application you are looking at now.


Steps to install this application are found in the Feed Reader Central source code repository. It also describes some required configuration (mostly surrounding security modes; see the first feature below for all the details on that) and some optional ways to change the application's behavior.


Security Modes – Feed Reader Central can be as secure as you require it to be. Learn about the modes available, their suitability for private networks or the open Internet, and how to manage users in a multi-user instance.

Feeds – Without feeds, this application is just a bunch of near-empty pages; this page describes how to add and maintain feeds.

Items – Read the items from feeds, bookmark them, search for text within them, and more.

Command Line Interface (CLI) – Feed Reader Central provides several functions that can be performed via its command line interface.